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TESOL Sertifikası Hakkında

The Certificate of TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) Uluslararası ESL (English as a Second Language) alanında en çok tanınan ve talep gören belgedir. *120 hours TEFL/TESOL *360 hours TEFL/TESOL *500 hours TELF/TESOL Sınıfiçi TESOL eğitimi  Online TESOL eğitimi Önemli ;  Akredite olmayan ve 100 ders saatinin altında alınmış sertifikalar, Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı ve özel kuruluşlar tarafından dikkate alınmamaktadır. TESL/TESOL Certification Alacağınız sertifika, Türkiye’deki tüm özel okullarda ve özel dil kurslarında geçerlidir ve M.E.B tarafından atamanız yapılabilmektedir. ​
En son yayınlar


How to prepare ESOL EFL lesson plans Should we always prepare ESOL EFL lesson plans? Somewhat surprisingly to me, some people say: They are generally a complete waste of time! I don’t want to be tied to a lesson plan. A lesson plan restricts my freedom. Only people new to teaching need to prepare a lesson plan. My best lessons have been taught without a lesson plan! Although I would reject all of the statements above, I think we can probably all agree that from time to time we are under-prepared for some reason or other and yet we teach a good lesson. Similarly, we know that we can spend ages preparing and then feel obliged to change direction mid-lesson, and still teach a good lesson. In addition, no doubt most of us would agree that experienced teachers probably do not need to do as much planning (generally speaking) as teachers who are new to the profession. Although there are exceptional lessons which we can all point to, what can we say in  general  a...


Assessing the language level of ESOL EFL students Many new teachers are uncertain how to assess the language level of ESOL-EFL students and this can certainly be a difficult thing to do accurately. In order to establish this it is often necessary to run a placement test of some sort so that students end up in the right class working with other ESOL-EFL students at about the same level. However, this is not always an easy thing to get right and a poorly devised placement test can end up doing a poor job of placing students in the best class for them. We cannot go through the complexities of testing here but it may be helpful here to provide a summary of the various levels, and in this case it is a summary prepared by the Council of Europe. It is called the  Common Reference Levels: global scale  and it applies to all people learning any new language. Proficient user C2 Can understand with ease virtually everything heard or read. Can summarise information from d...


Before you jump into a TESOL or TEFL course, it’s important to look carefully at the different course providers. 8 factors to consider when choosing a TESOL or TEFL course: 1. Does the course provider offer TESOL or TEFL courses?   It doesn’t matter which you choose as both refer to the same type of training course. TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) is the acronym used more widely around the world although TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) is used more often in the UK. Many people feel that TESOL more accurately describes what English language teachers do. 2. Does the provider look like a  training  organisation or a commercial organisation?   Some TESOL / TEFL course providers are highly commercial organisations seeking to maximise their income rather than providing genuine training courses. If you want to be trained to be an English language teacher then it is best to avoid providers that look like they are sellin...


Different acronyms Teaching English as a Second Language abroad can take various forms; however, the initial training should be much the same whichever course title is used. These days, whichever course description they have, there are minimal differences between good initial training courses. There are three main acronyms with regard to initial teacher training. TESL – Teaching English as a Second Language This title has commonly been used to describe a course where the teachers go on to teach students who are learning English as the main second language within their country, as is the case in many Commonwealth countries such as India, Pakistan, Zambia, Tanzania and Nigeria, to name just a few. TEFL – Teaching English as a Foreign Language This title has commonly been used to describe courses where the teachers go on to teach students who are learning English as a useful world language, as in the case of Germany, France, Japan, Korea and other countries. However, man...


Convenience: work from home Taught courses can work well but they involve travel and timetables. In comparison, someone completing a distance-learning TESOL / TEFL course can work at home without the need to travel. Convenience: courses can be completed anywhere in the world Taught courses are not always available. People in cities may find that the courses are full while people in smaller centres may not have local courses available at all. However, TESOL / TEFL courses by distance learning can be completed in any country around the world. Stress: taught TESOL / TEFL courses can be very stressful People often find that one-month taught courses are very stressful. They involve demonstrating techniques in front of fellow trainees as well as teaching lessons which are graded by trainers. Whatever the value of the course elements, many people find it stressful to have to ‘perform’ in front of other students and trainers. With a distance-learning course people can work at their ...


MİLLÎ EĞİTİM BAKANLIĞI DENKLİK YÖNETMELİĞİ Resmî Gazete   : 5.3.2004/25393 Tebliğler Dergisi : NİSAN 2004/2559 Ek ve Değişiklikler: 1) 8.9.2004/25577 RG EYLÜL 2004/2564 TD 2) 23.2.2005/25736 RG 3) 12.8.2009/27317 RG EYLÜL 2009/2624 TD 4) 15.03.2011/27875 RG NİSAN 2011/2643 TD BİRİNCİ BÖLÜM Amaç, Kapsam, Dayanak ve Tanımlar Amaç Madde 1 —   (Değişik : 12.8.2009/27317 RG) Bu Yönetmeliğin amacı, yurt dışındaki ilköğretim veya ortaöğretim kurumları ile uluslararası okullarda öğrenim görenlerin denklik işlemlerinin yapılmasına ilişkin iş ve işlemleri düzenlemektir. Kapsam Madde 2 —   (Değişik : 12.8.2009/27317 RG)   Bu Yönetmelik, yurt dışındaki ilköğretim ve ortaöğretim kurumları ile uluslararası okullarda öğrenim görenlerin denklik işlemi ile ilgili iş ve işlemleri kapsar. Dayanak Madde 3 —   (Değişik : 12.8.2009/27317 RG)   Bu Yönetmelik, 30/4/1992 tarihli ve 3797 sayılı Millî...

Celta, Delta ve Tesol Sertifikaları hakkında

Yurtdışında Celta, Delta ve Tesol Sertifikaları hakkında detaylı bilgiler; CELTA  (Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults), Cambridge Üniversite tarafından onaylı İngilizce öğretmenliği alanında en bilinen ve yaygın sertifikadır. Ana dili veya ikinci dili İngilizce olan öğretmen ve öğretmen adaylarına uygulamalı olarak yurtdışındaki çocuk, genç ve yetişkinlere öğretmenlik yapma fırsatı tanır. CELTA  (Certificate in Teaching English to Adults Speakers of Other Languages) , yetişkinlere ingilizce eğitimi verecek öğretmenler için düzenlenen bir sertifika programıdır. Programa anadili İngilizce olmayan İngilizce Öğretmenleri katılabilir. Program genel hatları itibariyle az tecrübesi olan veya elinde öğretmenlik sertifikası(formasyon) bulunmayan adayları da kapsar. 54 ülkede 286 onaylı  CELTA  merkezi vardır. Her yıl yaklaşık 10000 kişi bu eğitimi almaktadır. Kurs süresi 4 haftadır. Kurs süresince 6 saat farklı seviyelerdeki öğrencilere ders ve...